Monday, May 28, 2007

Have You Added Your Website to Our Top Sites List Yet?

Did you know that HostAPartyOnline has a Top Sites List? If you have a website that people can shop from and if you can place a voting link on your website then I invite you to add your links! It's FREE Advertising for you!

Now before you join our Top Sites List it is important that you realize that your website will only show up if you place a voting link on it! Sites without votes will not show up so you would be wasting your time (and mine) by adding it! I approve all sites that are listed to be sure visitors are getting something of value by visiting!

Come check it out and add your website if you would like to! You can find the "Add Your Site" link towards the top of the page!

Happy Memorial Day!

Wendy Leal
Owner -

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